
SOAP; Bible Scripture Journal Method 1 & Retention

bible journal method scripture soap Apr 30, 2020

Retention Disorder

As a child I was brought up to memorize scripture.  However, I  was diagnosed at a young age with a retention disorder.  I have since re-routed the way I learn and retain information.  Before I learned and changed the way to remember things,  it was very difficult to remember the address of the scriptures I had memorized...and that still remains a problem today.  I have not  had a problem remembering scripture but,  sometimes I have to ask "Google" where to find the address of the scripture I need.  It is just something that I have had to work hard on throughout my life.  You know, I can remember faces, I can remember what someone has bought from me, but numbers and names are a constant challenge that I must work on diligently.

Learning to Journal

Many years ago I ran across a picture of this Bible on Pinterest (Photos are from my dear friend Becca Dobie's journaling) and it captivated me.  I saw love, I saw a beloved relationship with Christ, I saw determination, I saw stillness, I saw repetition, I saw belonging, I saw faithfulness, I saw want, desire and commitment.  I immediately wanted that!  I was so wowed by that photo that I became obsessed with learning about this very loved Bible of God.  That is how I started my personal journaling experience.  I wanted my Bible to look like this after I put all my love, and time into learning and studying the Scripture in a new way.  I have always been a visual learner so I was so excited to begin.

Different Methods of Journaling Scripture

Over the next several weeks we will be exploring a variety of methods I have discovered that other people use to help them study and retain Scripture.  We will take one method a week so that we can learn it, understand it and apply it.  Hopefully by the end of this series you will decide which method you like the best and continue on with journaling the Scripture.  In You Ministries private Facebook Group we provide at the beginning of each month a printable calendar with a certain theme for the month that you can follow along with us.  We also schedule a reminder post each day in the group with that particular Scripture to help encourage and remind you.  Just click the link above and we will add you quickly.  Take a look at one of our past calendars:  

It is a lot of fun seeing what others do with the Scripture...some people just choose to freelance and that is totally cool as well.  The point of this whole exploration of these journaling methods is to entice your personal creativity and get the most out of your time with the Lord.

S.O.A.P Method #1

S is for Scripture.  Take the Scripture prompt in our FB group (link above), pray over it and then read through slowly.  God will direct your attention to certain verses or sections.  Write these down in your journal and focus your study there.

O is for Observe.  What is God showing yo in the passage?  Jot down in your journal any words or events that stand out.  Are there any truths God wants you to learn?  Warnings? Commands? Guiding principles? Record those in your journal.  Now what is the overall message God has for you in this passage?

A is for Apply.  Now it's time to get personal.  How does this affect your life? Does God have instruction for you today?  Encouragement?  Correction?  Write down in your journal God's personal message to you.

is for Pray.  Prayer is a two-way conversation with God.  You many find that as you pray over what God has shown you, He will reveal even more that He is wanting to show.  Be listening and journal you prayers!

Join Us Now

 Please make sure to join our email series that will link up with the blog posts.  In the email series is where the attachments will be for all your free downloads along the way.  Just click the Join Us Now title above and it will take you to our sign up page for the email series.  Make sure to read each email as we go along and look for the link for your downloadable materials for that week.

Next Week We Learn The P.O.W.E.R. Method

Make sure to practice your S.O.A.P. method for at least a week before moving on to the next method, P.O.W.E.R..  If you are signed up for the email series to go along with the post then you will receive your email reminder with the link to the new post next week. I will also leave the link right here

Until next week keep your eyes upon Jesus!

Tammy xo

PS...coming NOT soon but one of these days, my new podcast...Almighty God & Gospel Girl.







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